Benefits of EPDM Roofing Systems Include:
• Cyclical Membrane Fatigue Resistance
• Proven Hail Resistance
• High Resistance to Ozone, Weathering, & Abrasion, Flexibility in Low Temperatures
• Superior Resistance to Extreme Heat
• Fire Thermal Shock Durability
• Ultraviolet Radiation Resistance
• High Wind Resistance
Slate Roofing
Seen on many of the older homes and barns in the northeast, slate was the roof system of choice as it is considered virtually indestructible and sheds snow. Slate comes in many different colors and grades depending on its origin. While virtually indestructible, slate roofs are more expensive than other roofing materials and their installation requires skill and experience. Team Vinyl and Roofing has experienced roofers skilled in the installation and repair of slate roofing. Team Vinyl and Roofing also understand the loyalty New Englanders have to their slate roofing. If you need your slate roof repaired, or would like to participate in our annual inspection program, please contact us.